Monday, December 15, 2008

Medical School Update

Many people have asked me where I am at with my application to medical school, so I will update you all as of today.

ETSU- (East Tennesee State University)-I have an interview there on Jan 13th.
Marshall- (in West Virginia) They have all of my paper work and are deciding if they want to interview me (not to hopeful about this school because they are tough on the out-of- staters)
LMU-(in Harrogate TN)waiting to here if they want an interview
VaTech-waiting to hear if they want an interview
PCOM-Georgia-(outside of Atlanta) waiting to hear if they want an interview
Pikeville-(Kentucky) waiting to hear if they want an interview
WVSCOM- (West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine)- waiting to see if they want and interview and secondary application

It being this close to Christmas I do not expect to hear anything before the first of the year. So I am getting my mind into the waiting mode.

Baby Is Here!!!

I finally got around to posting a picture of our little family. Aubrey was born on November 7th. She was 7.4 lbs and came out screaming. She is growing and doing well. I went back to work after three weeks and hate every minute of being away from her and her mommy.